Jumat, 24 April 2015

Makna Lain Yudisium

Tanggal 23 April 2015 kemarin adalah hari yang bersejarah buatku bersama ke-110 anak D4 Reguler STAN lainnya. Kami akhirnya melalui satu fase terbesar dalam hidup kami, yaitu yudisium. Melalui fase ini, status kami tidak lagi sebagai mahasiswa berstatus pegawai tugas belajar, tetapi akan kembali ke kantor masing-masing sebagi pegawai penuh. STAN yang menjadi tempat kami menuntut ilmu dan mengembangkan wawasan dalam dua tahun terakhir ini pun harus kami tinggalkan. Cepat atau lambat saya pasti akan rindu dengan suasana kampus Ali Wardhana.

Yudisium memiliki makna lain buat saya. Bagi saya, yudisium ini memberikan makna bahwa setiap visi yang jelas dan diinternalisasi dengan baik oleh watak, pikiran, dan tingkah laku akan membawa visi tersebut ke tempat pencapaiannya. Ketercapaian visi hanya dapat terjadi jika kamu yakin sepenuhnya itu bisa terealisasi. Yakin sampai ke tingkat kamu dapat memvisualisasikan dengan jelas pencapaian atas visi tersebut.

Contoh paling populer dari ini adalah kisah alm. Walt Disney saat merealisasikan Disney Land. Sama-sama kita ketahui, Walt Disney meninggal beberapa tahun sebelum Disney Land selesai dibangun. Yang menarik adalah ketika istri Walt Disney diwawancarai oleh wartawan mengenai pendapatnya tentang hal tersebut. Menanggapinya, beliau menjawab, "Percayalah, dia sudah melihatnya.". Demikianlah proses visualisasi atas visi berjalan. Walt Disney telah membayangkan dengan sangat jelas akan seperti apa Disney Land nantinya, setiap detailnya.

Di awal perkuliahan, sewaktu pertama kali menyandang status mahasiswa Diploma IV, saya bertekad untuk menjadi salah satu lulusan terbaik di kampus ini. Lulusan terbaik di sini tidak melulu melihat indeks prestasi di kampus, tetapi juga prestasi-prestasi lain di luar kampus, serta nilai tambah yang dapat diberikan ke orang lain. Saya pun mencatat visi saya tersebut, menuliskan beberapa misi untuk menjelaskan bagaimana cara mencapainya. Setelah itu saya melakukan visualisasi atas visi tersebut. Dalam dua tahun saya membayangkan saya akan lulus dari kampus ini tersenyum bangga pada pencapaian-pencapaian yang berhasil diraih.

Dua tahun kemudian, alhamdulillah segalanya berhasil saya dapatkan "hampir" sesuai apa yang saya bayangkan dua tahun yang lalu. Hampir, tidak persis. Sejujurnya dulu saya membayangkan diri saya sebagai lulusan terbaik kampus, namun kenyataannya saya belum berhasil merealisasikan itu. Saya hanya duduk di peringkat kedua dengan indeks prestasi kumulatif 3,73, berbeda tipis dengan teman baik saya, Fauziah Noor yang menempati posisi pertama dengan indeks prestasi kumulatif 3,74. Apakah itu membuat saya puas? Tentu saja tidak. Saya sedikit kecewa. Hanya saja, saya cukup terhibur dengan keakuratan visualisasi visi saya. Dengan setiap keterbatasan yang saya miliki dan ketidakberuntungan yang harus saya hadapi, saya hanya tertinggal 0,01 poin untuk melengkapi keseluruhan visi saya selama berkuliah  di Diploma IV STAN. Itu semua merupakan nikmat Allah SWT yang perlu disyukuri.

Selain dari tolak ukur indeks prestasi, semuanya mampu saya realisasikan. Alhamdulillah. Selama dua tahun kuliah di Diploma IV ini saya mampu mengukirkan prestasi dengan memenangi beberapa kompetisi yang diikuti. Selain itu, di sela-sela kesibukan perkuliahan saya tetap mampu melestarikan pengatahuan dengan aktif mengajar akuntansi dan perpajakan ke teman-teman Diploma III yang saya yakin sepenuhnya dapat memberikan manfaat yang luar biasa bagi mereka dan juga bagi saya. Atas setiap pencapaian tersebut saya harus mengucap syukur ke Pencipta Semesta, alhamdulillah.

Yudisium bukanlah akhir. Yudisium adalah awal kehidupan yang baru. Saya tidak boleh berpuas diri sekarang. Masih banyak yang harus saya raih di depan sana. Di kesempatan lainnya, saya ingin terus mengasah kemampuan visualisasi visi ini, dan saya tidak boleh gagal kali ini.

Terakhir, selamat yudisium teman-teman.. Semoga keberhasilan selalu bersama kita. Aamiin YRA.

Yudisium Diploma IV Reguler, 23 April 2015, di Gedung G STAN

Pelepasan balon sebagai simbolisasi pelepasan status kemahasiswaan

Selasa, 21 April 2015



Here I am, back to Jakarta again after the passed 2 weeks were delighfully spent in Makassar. All for the sake of the big day: Yudisium. What is yudisium you might ask? Yudisium is a farewell. Time for me to say farewell to my college and all people in it. Time for me to say farewell to my status as a college student, and say hello to my new status: a fiscus. Eventually all of us in STAN will face this yudisium thing. I'm so glad I could face it in two days. I'm burning with excitement at this very moment.

However, the fact that I will go back to work in the near future concerns me slightly. The replacement of the place I will work to is what concerns me the most. Oh my.. I have no idea where it could be. In Makassar? In Jakarta? Or any other places? Every possibility is widely open. I hope for the best, of course. However, looking at my family's condition right now, i think I need to work not so far from home.. In Makassar.

The situation at home is not so good right now. I could see this clearly just now when I left home. My mom and my grandpa's tears when seeing me left somehow awoke me. I just realize how enormous my role in their life. My mom and my grandpa need me the most. I should become a better son to my mom and a sweet grandson to my grandpa. They seems powerless without me around. As you know, family is number 1 priority for me. Consequently, i have to set loose of my carreer opportunity and my love. All for the sake of my family. I know this situation will be hard for Dewi. Hopefully she will understand and support me throughly.

On the other hand, if destiny shows me the least expected way, no sweat. I have made several plans about it. I will continue to pursue my career in teaching financial or governmental accounting. I could be useful in teaching on those areas as my subsidary career. It will create additional income too. Eventually, I plan to teach in my beloved college, STAN, after I meet the stated requirements.

Whatever it is, i believe it must be the best for me. Afterall, Allah SWT always know what best for us. So why should I overthink again?

Sabtu, 18 April 2015

Another Happy Beginning

At the end of March, precisely at March 27, something big was happened. It was the moment I had waited for such a long time. One moment that would decide my life. A brief moment which is so important for me. It was the time for me to be responsible of my under-graduate thesis in front of the assigned lecturers.

I could complete my under-graduate thesis as soon as the deadline arrived. Meaning, I barely finished it on time. If not for the help of Mr Budi Mulyana as my matter assistance lecturer and also Mrs Dyah Purwanti as my technical assistance lecturer, perharps I couldn’t finish it on time. In their right hands, my work was polished very well. I have to say that was a very tough work, not an easy one. Both of them are very competitive, selective, cautious, and disciplined. They could easily find every error in my writing. Then, they assisted me by giving some helpful solutions in order to correct those errors. Hereby, I have to say my gratitude to both of them.

After all processes completed, I submitted my thesis to the secretariat at March 24. At the time, they said that they could schedule my comprehensive test on March 27 which means I only had as many as 3x24h to prepare every thing. I felt so insecure instantly. At the comprehensive test, I had to be responsible of two main things. First, I had to be responsible about my research which was written in the 169 pages of my thesis. Second, I had to be responsible about all the knowledge I’ve learned in D4 STAN these 2 years. I have to tell you, those tasks were as difficult as it might sound and my life in the future depends on it. Consequently, I had to prepare every thing in these 3 days. I was not a brilliant student as I hope I could be, so I needed to spent more time in re-learning every matters I got in those 2 years effectively.

One day before the day, my insecurity was starting to kill me. I thought of many things. What if I couldn’t answer questions asked by the assigned lecturers? What if I got groggy in the process and I couldn’t convey what I think smoothly? What if I failed? And so on...... So many questions, so many insecurities. To help me through those insecurities, I called my parents. They helped me a lot. I called my gf too to calm me more. In the evening, secretariat called me and told me that the assigned lecturers for the day are Mr Budi Waluyo, Mr Raynal Yasni, and of course Mr Budi Mulyana as my matter assistance lecturer.

The day was come and at the time I was quite confidence of my preparation. I prepared every thing, matters and strategies. I hoped for the best for that day. I called my gf, my love, to pick me up and went to the campus together so that I could feel more relaxed before the test. We ate breakfast together. Then after every thing was in place, at 07.30 we departed.

Alhamdulillah, the test was going very smoothly. I could answer every question from the assigned lecturers well. I spent 2h30 in the room, 15 minutes for presenting my research, and the rest for lecturers’ questions. Mr Budi Mulyana started by asking a little about the prospect of my research. After that, he asked about governmental finance management and governmental accounting standard. About 45 minutes later there was no more question from him, so we continue to Mr Raynal. Mr Raynal’s major in economy and accounting, so he asked several questions about public finance and accounting theory. But before that, he asked the detailed processes of my research. The last was Mr Budi Waluyo. He asked questions about strategic management and management accounting. After all the questions answered, they told me to leave the room. They needed time to discuss about the test result. I had no idea what would happened next...

In front of the room, I was waiting with ease. I was quite satisfied with my answers to them, but that didn’t negate the chance of anomaly. I felt a little insecurity. Just a little. 5 minutes later, Mr Budi Waluyo called me and urged me to come in. After I sat in my place, he told me the result slowly. First thing first, he asked my opinion whether I passed or not. Nervously, I remained silent. Then without further question, he read the paper in front of him. Time ticked slowly at the moment. After several seconds passed, he continued and said that I passed the test successfully! I tried to listened to what he said very carefully. What? I PASSED THE TEST! Alhamdulillah! After that, he congratulated my thesis and urged me to continue on it since it had prospect in it. I said yes I would, then we shaked hands, took a photograph together, and left the room afterwards.
I was drowning in bliss. I called my mother, my father, my brother and sisters to inform this news. They were very happy and congratulated me. My mother was crying after hearing the news. I was so happy at that time.

That was another achievement in my life. That was another blissful beginning for my future. I learned a lot from it. I cherished the moment briefly and be prepared for more challenging future tomorrow. I promised myself that this was not the ending. I had so many things to learn, to achieve, to grasp. There’s no time to waste.